Friday 18 November 2011


Talks and Presentations today.

I had prepared a talk with no powerpoint slides on Mobile OS. It seemed to go well with some interaction from students.

The presentaion that I had prepared on the Harvard Referencing System, after discussing it with my tutors, seemed to be particuarly well recieved by the students. I gave each student a copy of my slides so that they could write notes as I went through the presentation. There were a lot of questions, discussions and comments given; which were very useful.

I seem to excel at 'teaching' or leading a group. Maybe that is an area I need to research further.

Monday 14 November 2011


No lesson this week as I felt ill.Was ill for most of the week. I struggle with the mornings!

On Friday it will be 11.11.11 - Wear my poppy with pride. It won't happen again for another 100 years. Don't think I'll be around to see that!

Tuesday 1 November 2011


Interpersonal skills.

Presentation and discussion.

The way you speak and act can affect the way someone understands you. Can create Barriers to Communication.

Given an assignment and told to prepare for a talk on technology for next week. No PowerPoint.

Short tutorial with tutor.
